Do you seek love outside yourself or inside?
1 Feb

Do you seek love outside yourself or inside?

In February, there’s often a focus on love, so I thought I’d share with you what I find interesting on the subject. Over the years of posting on social media, I’ve noticed that the one topic I post that never gets “likes” is about loving ourselves. Unfortunately, we’re so afraid of being seen as a narcissist or becoming one, we refuse to truly love what has been created in us. Read More

Freedom from life’s challenges is possible.
3 Jan

Freedom from life’s challenges is possible.

Freedom from life’s challenges is possible. During the past several decades we’ve never been so prosperous, yet so unhealthy and unhappy. More people than ever before are stressed, depressed, and anxiety ridden. In fact, since the outbreak of COVID-19 people around the world are in crisis mode waging a war against the pandemic. Most of us are experiencing some of the greatest challenges we have ever been through. Collectively, we’re Read More

Are you ever afraid to tell the truth?
25 Feb

Are you ever afraid to tell the truth?

Are you afraid to tell the truth? Too many of us are in a habit of not telling the truth for fear of rejection, so we say yes when we really want or need to say no.  No one gains when we don’t tell the truth.  Our yes’s should be yes’s and our no’s should be no’s.  When we say yes, when it’s really no, we lose, others lose, and Read More

Here’s the good news: You can learn how to stop taking things personal
14 Aug

Here’s the good news: You can learn how to stop taking things personal

You can learn how to stop taking things personal. Yes, you can learn how to stop taking things personal.  The key to not taking things personally is to know who you truly are, so you can love and accept yourself no matter what.  In order to heal the unmet need you feel inside that you are seeking outside, you must connect to your own inner spiritual identity.  The more you Read More

Do you seek approval in others and make yourself easy prey?
25 Jul

Do you seek approval in others and make yourself easy prey?

You can learn how to take back your inner authority, so you won’t ever feel vulnerable again.   Did you know we only seek outside reinforcement or approval from others when we’re not ok with ourselves?  It feels like something’s missing and we think the answer is outside us.  That’s what makes us easy prey to those who are unkind and unloving.  Let’s look closer at how you can take back Read More

Everything we want is on the other side of fear…
26 Apr

Everything we want is on the other side of fear…

Everything we want is on the other side of fear… Did you know that fear is a constant companion for most of us and blocks us from experiencing true inner peace? When was the last time you said yes when you wanted or needed to say no?  Did you know the root cause of saying yes and not telling the truth, is fear?  Fear is the driving force in most Read More

Could fear be your greatest teacher? Part 1
31 Mar

Could fear be your greatest teacher? Part 1

Fear has been my greatest teacher…what about you? Is fear the driving force in your life? Do you listen to the voice of fear or doubt that often turns a perfectly wonderful day upside down?  For most people, fear seems to hold them back from living a peaceful and fulfilled life.  Yet, despite its challenges, it can be one of our greatest teachers.  It’s been mine and today I couldn’t Read More

What is true love, really?  Does anyone know…
13 Feb

What is true love, really? Does anyone know…

Did you know that love is the most powerful word in the English language, yet most of us don’t know what true love really is, much less how to express it?   Did you also know love is the most misused, overused, and abused word?  It’s no wonder we’re confused.  It does get a little murky.  I googled the definition online and love was described as an intense feeling of Read More

Most people say they just want to be happy…What about you?
14 Dec

Most people say they just want to be happy…What about you?

So, what’s it take for you to be happy?  Did you know, you really can’t buy happiness, but you can learn to be happy.     Most people say Christmas time is the happiest time of the year.  So, does the holiday season make you happy?  Did you know that most people say all they want is to “just be happy”?  In fact, according to an Australian nurse, Bronnie Ware in Read More

Do you have an inner critic bullying you?
17 Nov

Do you have an inner critic bullying you?

Is your inner bully getting the best of you…the voice that says you’re “not good enough” & never seems to shut up?   Do you allow others to talk to you the way you let your inner critic talk to you?  How often do you notice your inner critic making self-rejecting judgments or bullying you?  What is your bully saying to you?  Below are some examples of common self-judgments that Read More