Upset? Ignore your thoughts. Here’s why…
17 Jun

Upset? Ignore your thoughts. Here’s why…

Did you know if we want to be free from upset feelings we should ignore our thoughts? It’s true. Our upset feelings come from our thoughts that say what’s happening shouldn’t be happening. Although it’s rarely understood, our upset feelings are never about what’s happening. Being upset is a state of mind stuck in the thought process of resisting life situations. When we experience upset feelings, we’re upset because we Read More

Struggling to find meaning? Discover your true life purpose beyond the mind…
4 May

Struggling to find meaning? Discover your true life purpose beyond the mind…

Are you struggling to find meaning in life? In a world full of distractions, noise, and uncertainties, it’s easy to lose sight of our true purpose. Yet, to find true meaning, we must embark upon a spiritual journey of self-discovery to find the dimension of being beyond the mind. We all want to discover our life’s true purpose. Unfortunately, most of us have no idea where to start. Thus, we Read More

Did you know happiness is our natural state? Yet most trade it away.
1 Jan

Did you know happiness is our natural state? Yet most trade it away.

Did you know happiness is our natural state? Yet most trade it away. It’s true. So, are you happy? Most aren’t. And when asked, most people say: “I want to be happy no matter what but…” and then comes their trade for unhappiness. Take a look at a few common examples of life situations where people trade their happiness for unhappiness. People often say, I want to be happy no Read More

Taking offense is a losing game. Here’s why…
1 Dec

Taking offense is a losing game. Here’s why…

Taking offense is a losing game. We’ve all experienced feeling offended at some point in our lives and it’s easy to let it consume us, right? Whether it’s self-inflicted or deliberate, it never feels good. We certainly know what it feels like when a family member criticizes us, a car cuts us off in traffic, a longtime friend “unfriends” us, someone makes an unkind comment, or a friend betrays us. Read More

Living an undisturbed life isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity. Here’s why…
1 Nov

Living an undisturbed life isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity. Here’s why…

Living an undisturbed life isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity because our overall well-being depends on it. In today’s world, we’re faced with countless distractions, disruptions, and disturbances…that can make it nearly impossible to discover our natural state of inner peace. Yes, there is a place in us where no storms can disturb the peace we have deep inside. It’s a place where our mind is quiet while our heart Read More

You can learn to be wise. Here’s how…
1 Oct

You can learn to be wise. Here’s how…

It’s no surprise that positive results and well-being are associated with those who are wise. Without wisdom we tend to make rash decisions and experience negative consequences. Regardless of what we “believe” it’s important to recognize the value of wisdom in our lives. Wisdom is a valuable asset many strive to cultivate. This inner knowing is how we live in freedom and inner peace all the time. That’s why…if we Read More

When Conflict is Uncomfortable…
1 Jul

When Conflict is Uncomfortable…

Conflict is uncomfortable, right? Even though we know it’s normal, expected, and inevitable in any close relationship, it doesn’t make it any less painful or less challenging. Whether it’s with our family, friends, coworkers, or strangers…don’t we want to enjoy our relationships and not be in conflict? Yet, it’s not wise to avoid conflict either. When we avoid difficult conversations, we’re sacrificing inner growth and healthier relationships. Notice…this is how Read More

Do you seek love outside yourself or inside?
1 Feb

Do you seek love outside yourself or inside?

In February, there’s often a focus on love, so I thought I’d share with you what I find interesting on the subject. Over the years of posting on social media, I’ve noticed that the one topic I post that never gets “likes” is about loving ourselves. Unfortunately, we’re so afraid of being seen as a narcissist or becoming one, we refuse to truly love what has been created in us. Read More

Freedom from life’s challenges is possible.
3 Jan

Freedom from life’s challenges is possible.

Freedom from life’s challenges is possible. During the past several decades we’ve never been so prosperous, yet so unhealthy and unhappy. More people than ever before are stressed, depressed, and anxiety ridden. In fact, since the outbreak of COVID-19 people around the world are in crisis mode waging a war against the pandemic. Most of us are experiencing some of the greatest challenges we have ever been through. Collectively, we’re Read More

Are you ever afraid to tell the truth?
25 Feb

Are you ever afraid to tell the truth?

Are you afraid to tell the truth? Too many of us are in a habit of not telling the truth for fear of rejection, so we say yes when we really want or need to say no.  No one gains when we don’t tell the truth.  Our yes’s should be yes’s and our no’s should be no’s.  When we say yes, when it’s really no, we lose, others lose, and Read More