Why do we take things personally? 
30 Jun

Why do we take things personally? 

Did you know that taking things personally is a sign of low self-esteem and reflects personal insecurity? Yes, it’s true.  We take things personally because we agree with what was said.  Even if we only agree with one percent of what was said, we’re still sensitive to it.  Otherwise, we wouldn’t care.  We’d know it was ridiculous and not have another thought about it nor feel the need to protect Read More

Everything we want is on the other side of fear…
26 Apr

Everything we want is on the other side of fear…

Everything we want is on the other side of fear… Did you know that fear is a constant companion for most of us and blocks us from experiencing true inner peace? When was the last time you said yes when you wanted or needed to say no?  Did you know the root cause of saying yes and not telling the truth, is fear?  Fear is the driving force in most Read More

Could fear be your greatest teacher? Part 1
31 Mar

Could fear be your greatest teacher? Part 1

Fear has been my greatest teacher…what about you? Is fear the driving force in your life? Do you listen to the voice of fear or doubt that often turns a perfectly wonderful day upside down?  For most people, fear seems to hold them back from living a peaceful and fulfilled life.  Yet, despite its challenges, it can be one of our greatest teachers.  It’s been mine and today I couldn’t Read More

What is true love, really?  Does anyone know…
13 Feb

What is true love, really? Does anyone know…

Did you know that love is the most powerful word in the English language, yet most of us don’t know what true love really is, much less how to express it?   Did you also know love is the most misused, overused, and abused word?  It’s no wonder we’re confused.  It does get a little murky.  I googled the definition online and love was described as an intense feeling of Read More

Do you know how to protect you from you?
2 Aug

Do you know how to protect you from you?

Do you know how to protect you from you? Did you know that we need healthy boundaries to protect ourselves from ourselves? That’s right. The most important boundaries you will ever have are the boundaries you have with yourself. Yes, we’re actually getting in our own way. A mind without healthy boundaries, is a mind out-of-control. We end up creating the pain that brings about an insatiable desire for external Read More

Do you have a noisy mind?…It just might be ruining your life! Part 2
2 Jun

Do you have a noisy mind?…It just might be ruining your life! Part 2

Do you have a noisy mind? It just might be ruining your life! Would you like an off button for your thoughts? If so, ask yourself these questions: Do your thoughts have power over you or are you in charge? Are you trapped in mind chatter that keeps you stuck in negativity, judgment, comparison, or rejection? Do you feel afraid, worried, trapped, or out-of-control? Are your thoughts creating unnecessary suffering Read More

Do you have a noisy mind?…It just might be ruining your life! Part 1
1 Jun

Do you have a noisy mind?…It just might be ruining your life! Part 1

Do you have a noisy mind? It just might be ruining your life. Here’s why… Ask yourself these questions: Do you have an off button for your thoughts? Do you have the authority over your thoughts? Are you in the driver’s seat of your life? If not, do you want to take back that authority?  Did you know, that thoughts cause most of our suffering & it’s unnecessary?  It’s not Read More

Do you struggle with false guilt?
2 May

Do you struggle with false guilt?

Do you struggle with false guilt? Who hasn’t struggles with guilt? Yet, neither true guilt nor false guilt is good for our well-being. When was the last time you turned down a dinner invitation…from family or friends? How did you go about saying no? What did it feel like to say no? Did you feel any guilt? If so, how long did the guilt linger?  Have you ever thought about Read More