Let’s take a closer look at how to recognize truth…and stop falling for a belief.
Did you know it’s common for people to believe an ‘untruth’ and not believe the ‘truth’?
We all have a natural tendency to want to defend a held position that we believe, rather than being open to facts that contradict that belief. This is how beliefs can limit us when we’re certain they’re true. Likewise…we tend to only question our beliefs when we’re faced with a difficult situation that forces us to examine them.
This why we need to know how to recognize the truth…and not fall for a belief anymore. Yes, a belief isn’t a fact. It’s just a thought or idea made up in the mind and a choice we make. Whereas truth is what we know, and it doesn’t come from a belief or a thought in the mind. Truth just is.
Being alert and understanding the difference between a belief and truth is helpful…and a good place to start. Here’s why. Some beliefs are wonderful, and we may benefit from them, while others hinder us and may even put us in danger. Know this for sure…we have the choice and the power over beliefs.
It’s important that we’re able to distinguish between a belief and truth for ourselves as well as when it involves someone who is trying to convince us that their belief is fact despite there being no evidence. Our current world is full of examples of this. Think about it…When might you deny the truth? And, why?
Let’s investigate both concepts by first defining them and then comparing. So, let’s start with a belief. One of the online dictionaries says that a belief is an acceptance that something exists or is true, especially one without proof. However, a truth is that which is true or is in accordance with fact or reality.
Now let’s compare them. The biggest difference between a belief and truth is that a belief is formed in the mind while the truth exists. Truth has only one version and it never changes. Yet, our beliefs change constantly and so does the mind. For instance, two plus two equals four, is always true. Thus, there is no belief about it.
Notice here, that truth can’t change depending upon our beliefs or perceptions. Truth is a fact and reality, whereas a belief comes from acceptance or opinion in the mind.
The fundamental difference between truth & beliefs is that with beliefs,
a person chooses to believe, whereas truth simply is.
Yes, truth is objective and it’s the same for everyone; while a belief is subjective, and it may be different for different people. Again, let’s go a little deeper into the meaning of these two words, ‘truth’ and ‘belief’.
Consider the following truths:
- The earth revolves around the sun.
- Humans are mortals.
- The sun gives us light.
While it’s generally agreed that truth has some sort of relationship to existence or reality, a belief typically does not since beliefs can be false. Truth can’t be false and is backed by evidence; it’s impartial, unchanging, and free of bias. On the contrary, a belief is a mental state where a person is certain that something exists, even if they may not have hard evidence to back it up. Again, truth is the reality; And what we don’t know, we simply believe, to satisfy the ego.
People have beliefs about things that may, or may not, be true. Remember, a belief is just a belief & a thought is just a thought. It’s a state of mind, which may or may not be accurate to reality.
Beliefs only happen in the mind. And notice this; beliefs have no power over us. Our thinking mind isn’t our most powerful resource…we are. We give our mind its power, and without us, it has no power. We have the power to stop our busy mind and live in inner peace…even though we’ve been trained to let it do what it wants. Choices are powerful and it’s our choice to reclaim that rightful authority.
Oftentimes, we choose to believe something that happens to fit our personal narrative. But notice, when we adopt a belief, it’s a choice. And, our choices can be traced back to certain factors in our background. Yet, absolute truth simply is. It exists whether a conscious being aligns with it or not.
It is also possible to know truth because we carry truth in our being. It’s a conscious state of mind where we experience inner peace, balance, and clarity. In this place, fear and doubt are no longer a disturbance. Know that truth is available to absolutely every one of us as conscious beings, right where we are, here in this present moment.
If you’ve been reading my book & blogs, following me on social media, or doing your inner work, you already know that our original state of being is unconditioned consciousness. This is where we can live in inner peace all the time. It’s a place where we can know the truth from a higher dimension of being, and we don’t simply rely on a belief…made up in the mind. As Martin Luther King, Jr. put it…
“I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality.”
~ Martin Luther King, Jr.
Remember, your beliefs belong to you, and you are the only one with the power to change them. This means that you can attempt to influence others into believing things, but they ultimately have the choice to follow that path or not. That truth also applies to you. The power of your beliefs and your choice to alter those beliefs, resides in you alone.
As we grow, we choose many beliefs during our lifetime. And as we’ve learned, we tend to only question our beliefs in situations where we’re forced to. At some point in life, we may redefine, tweak, or even dismiss a belief.
Some people accept their beliefs as true because they represent the way things have always been and they conveniently fit into their world. But are they based on fact? Do they correspond with reality? What about your beliefs? Could they be limiting you? When was the last time you recall saying: I believe, I know, or I think? Notice when we say, “I know the sun will come out tomorrow”, we don’t say I believe, we say I know.
So, you might be asking…how can we know what our beliefs are? Getting to know our own truth means challenging the beliefs we’ve held on to, for so long. The beliefs we hold as well as our values and experiences represent the foundation we’ve built. Once we start to question and investigate our beliefs, we may find that our actions and the truth are not in line with our beliefs. This is how we can use what we’ve learned for inner growth and change.
Let’s apply what we’ve learned so far…
Getting to know our false beliefs is very freeing. Do you believe your thoughts? Here are a few of the false beliefs that people often accept as true. What about you? Do you recognize any of these thoughts or beliefs in your life?
- I’m not good enough.
- I’m not safe.
- I need to earn love.
- I shouldn’t be disappointed.
- It hurts when people say no.
- Bad things always happen to me.
- People take advantage of me.
- I’m unworthy.
- No one loves me.
- I’m responsible for someone’s happiness.
- Nothing bad should happen.
Now consider if your beliefs are serving you well. If not, take some time to discover and evaluate your core beliefs to see if they’re true, false, or limiting. Is there evidence to the contrary? Try reversing one of the previous beliefs listed & consider if the opposite is truer or more in line with reality. Remember, changing our mind…is healthy growth. Isn’t it time to do something different?
Be patient with yourself as you grow and be proud of how far you’ve come. For more insight, consider reading in Chapter 2 “False beliefs & the search for truth as well as in Chapter 11 “Investigating core false beliefs” in my book: “Breaking Free from the Ego: A Course in Finding and Freeing Yourself”. https://amzn.to/3mC7vO9
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Online Course Overview: The key to end suffering and unhappiness is to break free from the busy mind. This course focuses on how you can gain authority over your life by learning how to quiet your mind. You will learn how to recognize, neutralize, and move beyond the voice of fear and doubt. The purpose here is to teach you how to live in freedom and inner peace all the time.
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About the Author – Trina Carroll-Houk is a spiritual teacher, counselor, and founder of Breaking Free Boundaries, LLC who specializes in self-awareness, mindfulness, and the spiritual dimension of being. Her goal is to help people improve their quality of life so they can experience inner peace, meaningful purpose, and greater fulfillment. Trina represents a movement focused on helping people release what limits them from living in a higher dimension of spiritual consciousness.
Checkout Trina’s book on most online retail sites such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or BookBaby Bookshop: “Breaking Free from the Ego: A Course in Finding and Freeing Yourself.”
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