Are you stressed out, overwhelmed, or want to find balance & meaning in your life? Did you know that healthy boundaries are the building blocks to healthy relationships, personal growth, & a meaningful life?
You must be anchored in a firm foundation of who you are to live a fulfilling life. Boundaries give you authority in your life, so you can make the choices, changes & a difference in the world. In my life, family & career, on a daily basis, I’ve seen people from ages 5-75, stressed & overwhelmed, i.e., people who struggle with healthy personal boundaries & their identity.
Research tells us that approximately 58% of people live under high stress.
We seem to be stressed with boundaries & without boundaries. We are afraid to say no to what’s not ok, yet we become resentful & overwhelmed when we don’t say no. Have you ever given away what you didn’t have to give? If so, you know exactly how it feels. No one benefits from the negative feelings of fear, obligation & guilt. As human beings, we all just want love & belonging; we’re all doing the best we can. No one can live beyond their level of growth. That’s why I teach the tools that make boundaries a healthy part of who you are.
Did you know research also shows that the most compassionate & generous people are the most boundaried?
Yes, boundaries unite us. Yet, today we aren’t comfortable setting them for fear they’ll divide us. As a result, we end up getting the very thing we don’t want. We let others take advantage of us, because we want something from them…maybe approval, love, attention; when we don’t get what we want, we blame them for our insecurities. In the end, we resent them for what we allowed. What’s worse, the relationship doesn’t even last. That’s right, love isn’t a transaction of needs & wants or some sort of trade. More often than not, this type of relationship ends in heartbreak or divorce.
No one can make you feel good enough, loved, or alive. Love comes from inside you, not from the outside. Real authentic love is free. It’s unconditional. It’s just being there for someone for no other reason. That is, it’s not wanting or needing something from them. With healthy boundaries, you can do just that.
So, how do you get to a place where you are fulfilled & whole; where you don’t seek it outside of yourself?
This is how…you build healthy personal boundaries to take care of yourself, so you don’t look for fulfillment in people or things. In this way, you are complete. You are whole and overflowing like a well that never runs dry. You don’t expect or take from others the things you need to grow in yourself, and you also don’t try to give to others what they need to give to themselves. If this sounds familiar to you, it would be my honor to support you on your path of growth. Remember, you don’t have to do this alone. I help stressed out, overwhelmed people to find balance & meaning in their lives.
Whether you are new to personal growth or you’ve been working on it for years, I’m here to encourage you to act with purpose & let your inner guide help you to make the tough decisions in life.
During this process, you will gain clarity in who you are as you learn to fully accept yourself & others. To achieve the results you’ve always dreamed of, contact me & let’s get started.
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Checkout my new 2024 online course to “Find and Free Yourself”:
Online Course Overview: The key to end suffering and unhappiness is to break free from the busy mind. This course focuses on how you can gain authority over your life by learning how to quiet your mind. You will learn how to recognize, neutralize, and move beyond the voice of fear and doubt. The purpose here is to teach you how to live in freedom and inner peace all the time.
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About the Author – Trina Carroll-Houk is a spiritual teacher, counselor, and founder of Breaking Free Boundaries, LLC who specializes in self-awareness, mindfulness, and the spiritual dimension of being. Her goal is to help people improve their quality of life so they can experience inner peace, meaningful purpose, and fulfillment. Trina represents a movement focused on helping people release what limits them from transforming into awakened beings with a higher sense of spiritual consciousness.
Checkout Trina’s book on most online retail sites such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or BookBaby Bookshop: “Breaking Free from the Ego: A Course in Finding and Freeing Yourself.”
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